Monday, 24 February 2014

Jalapeno Hummus

I got accepted into a pharmacy course in Italy this spring and I am leaving in less than two months! This realization has really inspired me to eat healthy over the next couple of months so I can be in shape for this trip. After looking extensively at pictures online (when I should be studying), I realized that the majority of my trip is going to be a food festival, eating pizza, pasta, cheese and drinking wine and limoncello pretty much everyday. This is inevitable, so it made me think I should probably be in the best shape going into this trip so I only come back a small whale. On average, I would say I eat quite healthy on a day to day basis and even though I don't eat a lot of processed foods, I am going to try and decrease this amount even more over the next couple of months.
One processed food I eat every single day is hummus. At school, I always have hummus for lunch. Although the hummus we buy is scrumptious and so convenient, it probably has a lot of unnecessary oil and salt in it that I don't need so I decided I should stop being lazy and make some myself and that's what led to this recipe.

Jalapeno Hummus:

2 tbsp Tahini
1 whole Jalapeno
1 clove of garlic
1/4 tsp of Cumin
1 can of rinsed chickpeas
1/4 cup of plain greek yogurt
1 tsp water
1 tsp oil
1/2 tsp sesame oil
Juice from half of a lemon
1/2 tsp salt

Usually when I make hummus I add way more garlic, but since I am taking this to school I thought I'd spare my peers. I also usually add a lot more olive oil because it gives it a nice taste and creamy texture but in the interest of health I substituted a lot of that oil with greek yogurt.

The recipe is very easy, just take all of your ingredients and dump them into a food processor until the mixture is smooth.

I usually eat it with pita chips but red pepper slices, carrots or celery work well too! Remember that although hummus tastes good, it is still made with beans so be careful not to eat too much :)

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